Julie, Grethe and Viggo Sorensen.
Box 30, Site 2, RR 1,
Strathmore, Alberta.   T1P 1J6

Phone: 403 934 2989

You are looking at: Gallery 1       Gallery 2        Stallion Gallery 3      

This page and the following galleries is about the Norwegian Fjord Horse in
Alberta, Canada. Although we have other breeds of horses, the Fjords
have a special place in our hearts. We grew up with the Fjords,
being all around us, when we were children in Denmark.

The pictures featured below are primarily for
newcomers to the breed so that they can see what these
wonderful horses look like. But also to show a few horses for sale by
individuals in this area (southern Alberta).

Our 2016 Sale List

Please hold cursor on pictures for more details


Please click on Gallery 2 for more pictures.
Check back again soon, thank you.
Comments and suggestions very appreciated.